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"Magic Memories"

Regular price $3,700.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $3,700.00 USD
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Technique: Pointillism with acrylic

Support: Fabric

Measurements: 50 cm x 50 cm


This work is a selection of personal magical moments, it was presented at the "Magic Movements" Exhibition, curated by Dr Damián Ontiveros, it is based on my characters and my story, it talks about personal magic and how each symbolic act can be made magical , there are three important elements in it: The David, which for me represents a magical moment in my life, my wedding day, a wedding itself is a magical ritual act, a moment of transformation, that day leaving the church we made a stop at the David fountain, it was an absurd whim which became an unforgettable and extraordinary moment. The bridal bouquet represents my desire to share happiness. The mask of the harlequin, who is the possessor of the magic of making others happy and finds happiness in every color of life. And the intention of pointillism that is based on recreating Huichol art, who have an ancestral magic that remains to this day.
In life we ​​have to create magical moments, let's not wait for them to appear as someone else's will.   Erika Alfiero
Magic Moves
 Magic is learning to see the continuous miracle
Alexander Jodorowski
This collective exhibition has been integrated by work made expressly to talk about magic as a cultural heritage of Mexico and humanity, but also about our personal magic.
Magic is a mystical resource, older sister of culture and daughter of the same act of igniting hope from the symbolic gesture, magic is a device of cohesion, of fraternity, where the other completes the linking circle in the desire to believe. .
Magic occurs in the collective but is born individually, within oneself, in the intimacy of the subjective that attends to the world, that listens and savors the world and seeks movements and mechanisms that activate it, repeat it and keep, by way of empirical verification, away from religion and science, but present in both through faith: knowing that something is without knowing it.
The power of magic lies in faith; the energy that completes the mechanics of the magical pass, of the petitionary prayer, the person•magic (shaman, healer, witch) only asks to believe devoutly to build this mystical agreement that seeks answers.
Art, on the other hand, poetically builds something greater: doubt.
Art as poetic evidence of the crossing that tenses the negotiation and struggle between the external and internal world, works as a mirror of magic, since it does not build solving for the world, but for the being; What bigger doubt is there?
Poetically doubt, doubt from the inside out, and marvel at the result, creating a strange logic called art, which, with some luck, becomes magic.
Damian Ontiveros